Omar’s martial roots are deep and began as a child. He began studying Karate-Do at the age of six, eventually reaching the rank of black belt. While studying for his second dan, Omar had to leave that art to focus on his University studies. Later he went on to practice two of the eighteen disciplines of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu.
Omar’s HEMA career began in 2008 with the study of German longsword. He founded a HEMA group called Hermandad de Guerreros (HEGUE), also known as the Brotherhood of Warriors. He later went on to co-found and become a lead instructor at the Elite Fencing Club México (EFC).
Omar has participated in several national and international events over the years, including the Encuentro de Artes Marciales Europeas at Toluca (European Martial Arts Gathering), Schwertkampf Mexico 2013, 2014 and 2016 (Hosted by EFC), First Open International Gathering and Fechtschule America in 2011, 2012 and 2013, Combat Con 2012, Sentiment Du Fer 2013, IGX 2014, International Saber Symposium 2015 at Hamburg, Germany, He was asked to teach some classes at FA, SDF, IGX and ISS
Member of the Cateran Society, Western Martial Arts Coalition and HEMAA.
His current studies are focused mainly on German Longsword (Meyer’s tradition, but trying to take some important remarks from other German masters), Spanish and Italian rapier (his Spaniard blood took him to the Carranza’s Destreza path, but his heart is passionate for the Capoferro´s style of fencing), English Saber, Highland Broadsword and Mexican Saber (His first approach with the saber was with the Hutton´s tradition but when he was part of the council of the St Andrews Society of Mexico his interest changed and he started to study the Scottish tradition from Angelo, but then he had the chance to hold in his hands one of the original pieces of the “Tratado Elemental de la Destreza de sable” from Don Simon de Frías at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, since then he started with the study of this Mexican style of fencing with the Saber) and Spanish Bayonet (amongst all the authors he chooses Don José Casado Sánchez, because of the martial instruction)