Keith Cotter-Reilly

Keith Cotter-Reilly is originally from Cork, Ireland. Through a long convoluted trek via Nagasaki Japan, he has ended up living in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He has an Electronic Engineering degree from Cork Institute of Technology in Cork, Ireland. Which is extremely useful for an instructor at an MMA/Fitness gym.

Keith is a 2nd degree black belt in Shodokan Karate and Wado-Ryu Karate and a purple belt under Prof. Roberto Traven in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Keith learned Shodokan Karate in Ireland and learned Wado-Ryu in Japan while he was an English teacher there. He started his BJJ journey in Japan also. Along with these martial arts he has practiced Judo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Kyokushin Karate, and some Kendo. Keith has competed internationally in the various styles of Karate, as well as nationally in BJJ.

His first introduction to HEMA was at home in Cork with some re-enactment friends who taught him some basics. After forgetting about it while living in Japan, he stumbled upon videos of Swordfish and from there other people doing HEMA-related training. Since then Keith has been training as best he can primarily in Longsword. He also studies military and dueling sabre, rapier, dagger and sword and buckler to varying degrees.

He is the head instructor for the Atlanta Freifechter group. They primarily study the works of Joachim Meyer, with other late 16th century sources for additional material, for their weapon training.  The main source for Ringen is the wonderful book by Fabian Von Auerswald.

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