Sword and Planet: Intro to Internal HEMA

Throwing arts like Judo are sometimes described as “The art of hitting a person with a planet.” While it is more obvious with throwing, striking and weapon arts when executed properly can also hit a person with the planet. This class will go over the basics of biomechanical principles from traditional martial arts and teach you to establish the groundpath, the line through your body that will allow you to receive force into the earth and project force out of it. The principles learned will be practiced through drilling and will be applicable to all manner of weapons. These universal details will be explained in a no-nonsense clear way that will seek to dispel much of the magic and myth around “internal” martial arts such as Taijiquan. New students will likely have the most to gain, but anyone without experience with internal details or traditional eastern martial arts will also benefit from a unique perspective applied to HEMA.

Experience Requirements: None

Equipment Requirements: Mask and singlestick or synthetic basket hilt waster

Location: 4 (Main Field, Area 4) Date: September 29, 2017 Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Seth Robinson