Experimentation on Dual Wielding

Experience Requirements: Decent hand/eye coordination, and some off-hand dexterity helpful, but not mandatory. This class will be much more useful to people that have some experience with one-handed weapons and are not new to HEMA.
Equipment Requirements: Any combination of paired or similar bladed weapons (ex. dual sideswords or sabers, sword and dagger, etc.) gloves, and mask. No shields.
Description: During this class, we will learn the philosophy behind dual wielding and its basic precepts to facilitate one’s own exploration into the subject as described by historical masters with accompanied exercises. We will then move to elaborating on the dynamics of using weapons in both hands. In this section we will be providing our own knowledge and experience on how to fight with this style, how to train with it, necessary footwork, and one’s mindset. Interspersed throughout the presentation, commentary will be given on the practicality of dual wielding and its strengths and weaknesses, as well as general strategies that can be employed.

Sources used will be excerpts from Terminiello’s and Reich’s translation of Docciolini and Altoni, and Saviolo’s 1595 treatise. Theory and footwork will also be pulled from Filipino Martial Arts teachings. The main take away from the Italian style is the traversal footwork to flank one’s opponent, whereas the Filipino style is extremely useful for building dexterity with both hands and learning attack patterns.

Location: 4 (Main Field, Area 4) Date: October 1, 2017 Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Eddy Louis